Nature Images

Mississippi Reflection The sun was just starting to shine through the heavy fog and the river was calm enough for reflection to show the intricate branches.

Mississippi Morning There was heavy fog over the river, but the sun was breaking through - temporarily as it turned out - and I was able to catch its reflection in the river, together with that of the fallen tree.

Misty Morning Later in the morning as the fog had lifted more, this reflection appeared looking south across the river.

Tree with Fog Another foggy morning, this time in Kinnickinnic State Park, WI. This small tree just showed above the tall prairie grasses.

Winter Birch, Kinnickinnick State Park Birches are wonderful to photograph in winter, though in this case it was the lack of snow that enabled the autumn like coloring to complement this stand.

Badlands, South Dakota This grasshopper clearly had nothing better to do and sat patiently for this image.

Crimson Rosella, Mt. Majura Nature Reserve Birds abound in the nature reserve in Canberra